Bon Jovi – ‘2020’ (2020) – Album Review (The Bon Jovi Collection Series)

We are now on the 15th Studio album for Bon Jovi. It has been 4 years since their last one due to lack of inspiration or him needing a break. In 2019, the band started working on the new album in Nashville. Jon had recorded all the tracks on his phone and brought them to the studio where the band recorded 23 demo songs in just 11 days. They picked the best 10 and went to work on recording the final product. All was done. Until Covid-19 hit. Everything stopped.

During that time, a lot happened. Inspiration hit Jon and he wrote two more songs for the album. That meant a couple songs had to be cut. They were still used as bonus tracks on the deluxe edition. But those new songs and most of the songs on the album we Jon speaking his mind about world events, political events. The album feels like a Protest album. Jon is laying bear his thoughts and voicing an opinion. I will admit, I admire him for that, however, Bon Jovi is not a Protest band so the songs don’t feel like protest songs. They don’t have the power musically to get the point across. He isn’t Bruce Springsteen or Will Hoge (who writes a lot of protest songs and does them well). This is a band that wrote love songs and sexual songs. Yeah, he had Tommy and Gina, but those were stories. These stories fall flat coming from a band of such privilege.

And another problem is Jon’s vocals. You can tell something is wrong. He isn’t really singing anything. He is speaking more than anything. Now, we know of the problems he was facing. His throat was messed up and he needed surgery. At this point, I don’t think he was ready to admit he had a problem. I feel for him. It is his livelihood. It had to be difficult knowing you can’t do what you used to be able to do. This was the first album that I think I noticed something was wrong and/or different. And from the Bon Jovi documentary, we get to see the anguish and pain he was facing. You hate to see your heroes fall a little, if you know what I mean.

After some delays thanks to Covid, the album was released on October 2, 2020. They picked the name of the album, 2020, for two reasons. Jon was seeing clearly on what was going on in the world. And 2020 was the year of the Pandemic, George Floyd killing and a world of other problems. I think it is a fitting name for the album. The cover embodies that feeling as well. Looking at the cover, Jon looks like he is about to speak his mind as he is giving heavy thought. And look at this glasses as there is an American Flag reflected in the lenses.

The band is the same with Jon Bon Jovi, David Bryan and Tico Torres as well as Phil X and Hugh McDonald. Unfortunately, John Shanks is still the producer with Jon and it shows. Please replace Shanks as producer…PLEASE!!! The album would hit #19 on the Billboard charts and spawn five promotional singles. It wasn’t that successful overall. I bought it. My copy was released on December 4, 2020 and is the Double LP Gold Edition with 2 bonus tracks (the two songs left off the album and replaced by new ones). I love the effect on the vinyl, it looks like it bubbling up and wrinkling. Cool effect.

LP 1:

The opening track is the song “Limitless” and is you standard modern era fare of Bon Jovi shouting encouragement in a messed up world. It isn’t a bad thing it is just the same as every opening track on almost every album since 2000. It is a little…been there, done that. With that being said, they do this type of song well and it is one of the better songs on the album. A great, powerful chorus, some pounding Tico drums and nice guitar work. The song went to #10 on the Adult Contemporary Charts (not the Top 40). They aren’t really a hard rock band anymore and haven’t been for awhile. More an AOR band, not that there is anything wrong with that.

“Do What You Can” is next and it is one of the new songs wrote after the album was done and delayed. They added it to the final album. It is a another rah, rah song encouraging people to get out there and help the world in any way they can and even take the Covid Shot. It has a country twang to it and it is a little annoying. The whole song is annoying. It is so contrived and elementary school level lyrically. It is pure cheese and too sweet for me. I can’t stand this song in the slightest. Horrible, despite a great mesasge. The actually re-recorded this song with Jennifer Nettles and the song charted on the country chart. As much as I love Jennifer, she didn’t save the song for me.

The other additional song written after the album was done is the very political, protest song “American Reckoning”. It is a powerful song lyrically, but it isn’t a creative song lyrically either. And Jon’s voice sounds very different here. This is one where Jon speaks more than sings. The song was inspired by the killing of George Floyd and shows his support of Black Lives Matter. It is a slowed down tempo, which helps with the impact the lyrics will have. I don’t think it is a great song personally, but it is moving, thought provoking and honest. The harmonica used in the song is probably used to give it a Bob Dylan feel to it and it works.

Flipping over to Side B, we get “Beautiful Drug” is one of the more rocking songs on the album and talks about how Love is a beautiful drug and is addicting and can move you to do anything. It has a great beat, a catchy chorus and isn’t political in any way. I like it!!

Next up is “Story of Love” and is about the circle of life from parenthood to having children and the growing old and the children become the parents. And it is simply dreadful. I would say it is the worst song on the album, but there are so many. Jon speaks it again and you find yourself not giving a crap about anything in this song and you can’t skip it fast enough.

The last song on the first LP is “Let it Rain”. It is a song about making a stand, coming clean spiritually and doing good. Is it me or are these type songs getting tiring. At least it isn’t as bad as “Story of Love”, but I don’t give a flip about this one either. He has written so many like this it is simply boring. He has nothing new to add, no creativity and only following a tired formula.

LP 2:

“Lower the Flag” is another political song and is another powerful message. This one was inspired by the Dayton Ohio shooting where 9 people were killed. He name drops all the major shootings over the years including Sandy Hook, Columbine and too many more that should’ve never happened. The message is great and should be heard. The song doesn’t have the power that these lyrics need. I think it is great he is bringing these issues to light, but as I said earlier, this type of song isn’t something they do well.

Next up, his political thoughts go to immigrants with “Blood on the Water”. Great issue to sing about, but they aren’t Bruce, they aren’t Dylan. The band has every right to sing about this stuff, I am not knocking that. What I am knocking is execution of the songs and what I want to hear. I bought the album so I support the band no matter what, I don’t have to like it. The chorus is great and takes me back to ‘These Days’ a little. But the rest of the song does nothing for me.

“Brothers in Arms” is a song about unity and even inspired by Colin Kaepernick. It is upbeat, a nice groove to it. But…you knew there was going to be a but, didn’t you. It is not exciting. I feel the music is so flat and unimaginative. Now, the guitar solo is the best on the album, that is the only thing good about it. Are we in the worst album of their career? A few more songs will tell us.

The official final song of the album is “Unbroken” was written for a movie called “To Be of Service” which was released in 2019. The song focuses on PTSD and there are some really good moments musically, finally. But (again with the buts) Jon speaks the lyrics like he has done so many times on this album and I don’t care for it. I would like singing. And lyrically, to literal, nothing written in any creative way. Nothing inspiring at all. Even Ticos heavy drum pounding doesn’t help at all. I hate to hate these songs about such great topics, but I don’t feel they do a good job with them at all.

Now we are to the two songs cut from the original album and relegated to Bonus level. First is “Shine” and it is about seeing your partner, your child or anyone really growing up in front of you. Another paint by numbers song that is dull and lifeless. I mean come on.

“Luv Can” is the final song and thank the heavens. I am finally about to be put out of my misery. A song about love and healing. However…I mean…But, there is nothing that can heal this album. It is a pure and utter disaster. I would take “Lost Highway”, “The Circle” or even “What About Now” any day of the week over this one.

Track Listing:

  1. Limitless – Keeper
  2. Do What You Can – Delete
  3. American Reckoning – Keeper
  4. Beautiful Drug – Keeper
  5. Story of Love – Delete
  6. Let it Rain – Delete
  7. Lower the Flag – Delete
  8. Blood in the Water – Delete
  9. Brothers In Arms – Delete
  10. Unbroken – Delete
  11. Shine (Bonus) – Delete
  12. Luv Can (Bonus) – Delete

The Track Score is 3 out of 12 or 25%.  Bon Jovi’s last two albums, “Burning Bridges” and “This House is Not For Sale” saw Jon back to his great writing because of the label troubles. I felt he was a little angry and upset and just wrote. Now, he is back to trying to write an album using formulas and even trying to get political. Thinking too much maybe.  Bon Jovi is not a political band…in my opinion. There is nothing here to grab hold of to enjoy on this new ride.  Plus, Jon’s voice is not the same and doesn’t have the punch he used to have. He can’t be as emotive and it doesn’t sound authentic.  This is the worst album they have done in my opinion.  My Overall Score is a 1.0 out of 5.0 Stars.  Yes, it is that bad.  Most albums, I can start to enjoy a little something with each listen. This one made me more angry and upset with each listen. That is not a good thing at all.



  1. Bon Jovi – The Albums Box Set (2017)
  2. Jon Bongiovi – The Power Station Sessions (1980-1983) (2001)
  3. Bon Jovi – Bon Jovi (1984)
  4. Bon Jovi – Shot Through the Heart: Live in Cleveland, OH March 17, 1984 FM Broadcast (Bootleg)
  5. Bon Jovi – “Burning For Love” – 12″ Single – Japanese Edition (1984)
  6. Bon Jovi – 7800° Fahrenheit (1985)
  7. Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet (1986)
  8. Bon Jovi – “Borderline” – 12″ Single – Japanese Edition (1986)
  9. Bon Jovi – New Jersey (1988)
  10. Bon Jovi – New Jersey: Super Deluxe Edition – Disc 2/DVD (1988)
  11. Bon Jovi – “I’ll Be There For You” – Cassette Single (1988)
  12. Jon Bon Jovi – Blaze of Glory (1990)
  13. Jon Bon Jovi – “Blaze of Glory” – Cassette Single (1990)
  14. Richie Sambora – Stranger in this Town (1991)
  15. Bon Jovi – Keep the Faith (1992)
  16. Bon Jovi – “Keep the Faith” – CD Maxi Single (1992)
  17. Bon Jovi – “I Believe” – 7″ Single (1992)
  18. Bon Jovi – Cross Road (1994)
  19. Bon Jovi – “Please Come Home for Christmas” – CD Single (1994)
  20. Bon Jovi – These Days (1995)
  21. Bon Jovi – Live From London – DVD (1995)
  22. Jon Bon Jovi – Destination Anywhere (1997)
  23. Richie Sambora – Undiscovered Soul (1998)
  24. Bon Jovi – Crush (2000)
  25. Bon Jovi – Live From Osaka E.P. (2000)
  26. Bon Jovi – “Thank You For Loving Me” – CD Single (2000)
  27. Bon Jovi – The Crush Tour – DVD (2000)
  28. Bon Jovi – The Love Songs E.P. (Promo) (2001)
  29. Bon Jovi – Tokyo Road: Best of Bon Jovi (2001)
  30. Bon Jovi – One Wild Night Live: 1985-2001 (2001)
  31. Bon Jovi – Bounce (2002)
  32. Bon Jovi – Unauthorized: Rock ‘n Roll Legends – Bootleg DVD (2002)
  33. Bon Jovi – Target E.P. (2003)
  34. Bon Jovi – This Left Feels Right (2003)
  35. Bon Jovi – Wild in the Streets: Unauthorized – Bootleg DVD (2003)
  36. Bon Jovi – This Left Feels Right – DVD (2004)
  37. Bon Jovi – 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong (Part 1) – (2004)
  38. Bon Jovi – 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong (Disc 1, Part 2) – (2004)
  39. Bon Jovi – 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong (Disc 2, Part 3) – (2004)
  40. Bon Jovi – 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong (Disc 3, Part 4) – (2004)
  41. Bon Jovi – 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong (Disc 4, Part 5) – (2004)
  42. Bon Jovi – 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong (Disc 5 & 6, Part 6) – (2004)
  43. Bon Jovi – Have a Nice Day (2005)
  44. Bon Jovi – Live from the Have a Nice Day Tour (Walmart Exclusive) (2006)
  45. Bon Jovi – Lost Highway (2007)
  46. Bon Jovi – Lost Highway: The Concert (2007)
  47. Bon Jovi – The Circle (2009)
  48. Bon Jovi – When We Were Beautiful Documentary DVD (2009)
  49. Bon Jovi – Live at Madison Square Garden – DVD (2009)
  50. Bon Jovi – Greatest Hits: The Ultimate Collection (2009)
  51. Bon Jovi – Greatest Hits: The Ultimate Video Collection – DVD (2010)
  52. Bon Jovi – Inside Out – DVD (2012)
  53. Richie Sambora – Aftermath of the Lowdown (2012)
  54. Bon Jovi – What About Now (2013)
  55. Bon Jovi – Live E.P. (RSD – 2013)
  56. Bon Jovi – Live 2 E.P. (RSD – 2014)
  57. Bon Jovi – Burning Bridges (2015)
  58. Bon Jovi – This House is Not For Sale (2016)
  59. Bon Jovi – This House is Not For Sale – Live From the London Palladium (2016)
  60. Bon Jovi – The Albums Box Set – The Extra LP (2017)
  61. RSO – Radio Free America (2018)
  62. Bon Jovi – 2020 (2020)
  63. Bon Jovi – “Legendary” – 7″ Single (2024)
  64. Bon Jovi – Forever (2024)
  65. Bon Jovi Albums Ranked Worst to First
  66. Bon Jovi – 40th Anniversary Box Set (TBA – I Hope it is out by the time we get here)

We’ve reviewed a bunch of pieces already over the years and won’t review again. They are as follows:

  1. Bon Jovi – The Brotherhood Tour Book (1988-1990)
  2. Bon Jovi – Bon Jovi Tour 2011 – Tourbook
  3. Bon Jovi – The Rock History – Bootleg CD
  4. Bon Jovi – “You Give Love A Bad Name” – 12″ Single
  5. Bon Jovi – “You Give Love a Bad Name” – 7″ Single
  6. Bon Jovi – Red Hot & 2 Parts Live E.P. – 12″ Single
  7. Bon Jovi – “Wanted Dead or Alive” – 7″ Single
  8. Bon Jovi – “Bad Medicine” – 7″ Single
  9. Bon Jovi – “Born to Be My Baby” – 7″ Single
  10. Bon Jovi – “I’ll Be There For You” – 7″ Single
  11. Bon Jovi – “Lay Your Hands on Me” – 7″ Single
  12. Bon Jovi – “Living in Sin” – 7″ Single

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