23 Types of Toxic Friendships You Should Recognize and End

Friendships are meant to be a source of support, joy, and connection, but not all friendships are healthy. Sometimes, relationships that start with good intentions can become toxic or emotionally draining, leaving you feeling worse after interactions.

Recognizing the signs of unhealthy friendships is crucial for maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. Here are 23 types of unhealthy friendships, along with tips on when to leave each one.

1. The Competitive Friend

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This friend always has to one-up you, whether it’s in achievements, appearance, or social status. Instead of celebrating your successes, they feel threatened by them and turn every conversation into a competition.

It’s time to leave when their constant need to compete starts affecting your self-esteem or creates tension in the friendship.

2. The Drama Magnet

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No matter what’s happening in their life, it’s always a crisis. They thrive on drama, and you often find yourself playing the role of therapist, constantly helping them solve their problems.

Leave when you realize their chaotic energy is draining and their drama is never-ending.

3. The Jealous Friend

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A jealous friend struggles with your accomplishments, friendships, or relationships. They may subtly put you down, sabotage your happiness, or withdraw when things go well for you.

Leave when their jealousy turns into resentment or affects your other relationships.

4. The User

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This friend only reaches out when they need something—whether it’s advice, favors, or emotional support—but rarely reciprocates. You’re always the one giving, and they only seem to be around when it benefits them.

It’s time to leave when you feel like you’re being taken advantage of without getting the same care in return.

5. The Gossiper

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A gossiper thrives on talking about others and spilling secrets. They often involve you in drama or backbiting, making you question their loyalty.

Leave when you notice they share private details about others and wonder if they’re doing the same behind your back.

6. The Constant Critic

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This friend never seems satisfied with who you are and is always quick to point out your flaws or mistakes. Instead of lifting you up, they make you feel small or inadequate.

It’s time to leave when their criticism starts affecting your confidence or sense of self-worth.

7. The Emotional Manipulator

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An emotionally manipulative friend uses guilt, blame, or passive-aggressive behavior to control the dynamic of your relationship. You often feel like you’re walking on eggshells or compromising your own needs to please them.

Leave when you recognize that their behavior is making you feel trapped or anxious.

8. The Flaky Friend

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A flaky friend constantly cancels plans, forgets commitments, or shows up late. While occasional mistakes happen, their unreliability becomes a pattern that leaves you feeling unimportant.

Leave when their inconsistency creates more disappointment than joy.

9. The Negative Nancy

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This friend always focuses on the negative, whether it’s complaining, criticizing, or being pessimistic about everything. Their attitude can start to affect your mood and outlook on life.

Leave when their negativity begins to drag you down and impact your mental health.

10. The Boundary Pusher

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This friend consistently oversteps your personal boundaries—whether it’s showing up unannounced, borrowing things without asking, or prying into your private life. Even after you set boundaries, they ignore or challenge them.

Leave when you feel like your personal space or comfort is no longer respected.

11. The Self-Centered Friend

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Every conversation is about them—their problems, their accomplishments, their life. You rarely get a chance to share your thoughts or feelings, and when you do, they’re quickly dismissed.

It’s time to leave when their self-centeredness leaves you feeling invisible or unimportant.

12. The Fair-Weather Friend

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This friend is only around when things are going well for you, but they’re nowhere to be found when you need support during tough times. They enjoy the fun and happy moments but disappear when things get real.

Leave when you realize they’re not there for you when you truly need them.

13. The Blamer

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A blamer never takes responsibility for their actions and is quick to point fingers. They may blame you for their own mistakes or misfortunes, making you feel guilty for things that aren’t your fault.

Leave when their behavior starts to affect your self-esteem or make you question yourself unnecessarily.

14. The Control Freak

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This friend always wants things done their way and has a hard time compromising. They dominate decisions and try to control the dynamics of your friendship, leaving little room for your preferences.

It’s time to leave when their controlling behavior starts to limit your freedom and choices.

15. The Envious Friend

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This friend struggles to be happy for your achievements and may even feel bitter about your success. Their envy can manifest in subtle ways, like passive-aggressive comments or downplaying your wins.

Leave when their envy turns into resentment and creates tension in the friendship.

16. The Fake Friend

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A fake friend is only kind or supportive when it’s convenient for them, but their loyalty is questionable. They may talk behind your back or pretend to be your friend while secretly undermining you.

It’s time to leave when their actions no longer match their words, and you realize they’re not genuinely invested in your well-being.

17. The Overly Dependent Friend

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This friend relies on you for everything—from emotional support to decision-making—and it feels like they can’t function without your help.
Their dependency can become overwhelming, making you feel like their caretaker.

Leave when you feel like the friendship is more of a burden than a mutual relationship.

18. The Friend Who Doesn’t Celebrate Your Success

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A friend who fails to celebrate your success, or worse, minimizes it, can make you feel unsupported. You deserve friends who uplift and cheer for your wins, not downplay them.

It’s time to leave when their lack of support becomes a consistent pattern.

19. The Chronic Liar

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Whether it’s small white lies or more serious dishonesty, a friend who lies consistently can’t be trusted. Lack of honesty creates a foundation of mistrust that damages the friendship.

Leave when you realize their lies have compromised your trust in them.

20. The One-Sided Friend

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In this friendship, you’re always the one making the effort—whether it’s reaching out, planning, or maintaining the relationship. Their lack of reciprocity can leave you feeling unappreciated.

It’s time to leave when the friendship becomes too one-sided and you feel exhausted from constantly giving.

21. The Friend Who Betrays Your Trust

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If a friend betrays your trust by sharing secrets, spreading rumors, or going behind your back, it can be a deal-breaker. Trust is the foundation of any strong friendship, and betrayal can shatter that bond.

Leave when the betrayal is too deep to recover from.

22. The Friend Who Doesn’t Respect Your Time

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This friend frequently cancels plans last minute, arrives late, or doesn’t value your time. It can feel disrespectful when your time is consistently treated as less important.

Leave when their lack of consideration becomes a pattern.

23. The Energy Vampire

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An energy vampire leaves you feeling drained after every interaction. Whether it’s their constant need for attention or their emotional demands, this friend takes more than they give.

Leave when their presence consistently makes you feel exhausted rather than energized.

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