21 Common Mistakes People Make When Ordering Steak

Ordering a steak at a restaurant may seem straightforward, but there are several common mistakes that can affect your dining experience. From choosing the wrong cut to requesting a questionable cooking style, the way you order your steak can significantly impact its flavor and texture.

Whether you’re a steak enthusiast or a first-time diner, knowing what to avoid can help you get the most out of your meal. Here are 21 things you should never do when ordering steak, ensuring a perfect experience every time.

1. Ordering Well-Done Steak

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Ordering a steak well-done can turn a juicy cut into a tough and dry piece of meat. The longer cooking time removes most of the fat and juices, which are essential for flavor.

If you prefer your steak thoroughly cooked, try ordering it medium or medium-well to retain some of its natural flavors and tenderness.

2. Choosing the Wrong Cut for Your Taste

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Not all steak cuts are created equal, and each one offers a unique flavor and texture profile. Ordering a lean cut like a filet mignon if you prefer a more marbled steak can lead to disappointment.

It’s important to know the differences between cuts—such as ribeye, sirloin, and T-bone—and choose one that matches your taste preference.

3. Ignoring the Chef’s Recommendations

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Chefs often know which cuts of steak are the freshest and most flavorful.
Ignoring their recommendations can result in a less satisfying meal.

If you’re unsure which steak to order, ask for the chef’s choice or the house specialty to experience the best of what the restaurant offers.

4. Not Specifying Your Desired Temperature

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If you don’t specify how you want your steak cooked, you’re leaving it up to the chef’s discretion. This can lead to a steak that is either too rare or too well-done for your liking.

Be clear about your preferred doneness—whether it’s rare, medium-rare, or medium—to ensure you get exactly what you want.

5. Overloading with Sauces

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While sauces can enhance the flavor of steak, overloading it with too many can mask the natural taste of the meat. A quality steak is best enjoyed with minimal additions, such as a light drizzle of béarnaise or peppercorn sauce.

Avoid drowning your steak in sauce, as it can overpower the carefully seasoned and cooked flavors.

6. Skipping the Resting Time

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Steak needs time to rest after cooking to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. If you dig in too quickly, you risk losing all those delicious juices, resulting in a drier steak.

Give your steak a few minutes to rest before cutting into it for the best texture and flavor.

7. Ordering Steak with Too Many Sides

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A steak is often the star of the meal, so ordering it with too many heavy sides can detract from the experience. Keep your sides simple—like a baked potato, grilled vegetables, or a fresh salad—to complement the steak without overshadowing it.

This approach allows you to fully savor the flavors of the meat.

8. Choosing the Cheapest Option on the Menu

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Going for the cheapest steak option may not provide the best dining experience. Less expensive cuts are often leaner and tougher, lacking the rich flavor and tenderness of premium cuts like ribeye or New York strip.

If you’re investing in a steak dinner, it’s worth spending a little more for a quality cut.

9. Adding Too Much Salt at the Table

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Good steakhouses season their steaks perfectly, and adding extra salt at the table can ruin the balance of flavors. Taste the steak first before deciding if it needs more seasoning.

Often, the chef’s seasoning is just right, and additional salt can overwhelm the dish.

10. Not Asking About the Source of the Meat

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Understanding where your steak comes from can greatly impact your dining experience. Grass-fed, grain-fed, and dry-aged steaks all offer different flavors and textures.

Ask your server about the source of the meat and choose according to your preference for a more satisfying meal.

11. Forgetting to Pair with the Right Wine

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A good wine pairing can elevate your steak experience to a new level. For instance, a Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec complements the rich flavors of a ribeye, while a Pinot Noir pairs well with a leaner filet mignon.

Consult with your server or sommelier for the best wine pairings to match your steak.

12. Ordering Steak in a Non-Specialty Restaurant

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If you’re looking for a high-quality steak, it’s best to order from a restaurant known for its steaks. Ordering a steak from a diner or a non-specialty restaurant may result in a subpar experience.

Choose a steakhouse or a restaurant with a reputation for excellent steak to ensure quality and expertise in preparation.

13. Ignoring Dietary Preferences and Restrictions

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If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, it’s important to communicate them when ordering your steak. Whether it’s gluten-free sauces or a need for low-sodium seasoning, mentioning these preferences ensures your meal is prepared to your satisfaction.

Most restaurants are happy to accommodate dietary needs when informed.

14. Not Considering the Marbling

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Marbling, or the fat interspersed within the muscle of the steak, contributes significantly to its flavor and tenderness. Steaks like ribeye with higher marbling are more flavorful, while leaner cuts like sirloin are less so.

Understanding the marbling of the steak you choose can help you select one that matches your taste preference.

15. Skipping the Sear

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A proper sear on a steak locks in flavor and creates a delicious crust. If your steak doesn’t have a good sear, you may miss out on that perfect combination of textures.

Ensure your steak is cooked with a high heat sear to enjoy both a juicy interior and a flavorful exterior.

16. Opting for Low-Quality Steaks

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Not all steaks are created equal, and opting for low-quality cuts can result in a less enjoyable meal. Higher quality steaks, such as USDA Prime or Wagyu, are more tender and flavorful due to better marbling.

Choosing quality cuts ensures a superior steak experience.

17. Ordering an Oversized Steak

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While it might be tempting to order the biggest steak on the menu, an oversized cut can be overwhelming and lead to leftovers. Choose a portion size that suits your appetite to enjoy your steak at its freshest and avoid waste.

Remember, a well-cooked, appropriately sized steak can be more satisfying than a large, less flavorful one.

18. Choosing a Steak with Too Much Trimmed Fat

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Some fat on a steak is desirable as it adds flavor and juiciness during cooking. However, choosing a steak with too much trimmed fat can result in a loss of flavor.

Look for a cut with a balanced amount of fat, like a ribeye or New York strip, for the best taste.

19. Not Asking About Cooking Techniques

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Different cooking techniques—such as grilling, broiling, or pan-searing—can impact the flavor and texture of your steak. Ask your server about the cooking methods used to better understand how the steak will be prepared.

This ensures you get a steak cooked to your liking.

20. Ordering Steak with Heavy Cream Sauces

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While sauces can complement a steak, heavy cream sauces can overpower the natural flavors. It’s best to opt for lighter sauces like chimichurri or a simple garlic butter that enhances rather than masks the steak’s taste.

This way, you can appreciate the steak’s flavor profile.

21. Not Tipping Appropriately for Great Service

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If your server or chef has gone above and beyond to provide an exceptional steak experience, it’s important to tip accordingly. Good service enhances your dining experience, and recognizing that effort shows appreciation.

Tipping well encourages continued excellent service and supports the restaurant staff.

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